Spring series, part 4: @Lazy on injection points

Last time, when I talked about lazily loaded beans I forgot to mention one interesting feature of Spring 4 - lazily loaded injection points. This post introduces the combination of @Lazy and @Autowire as a counterpart to the standard approach (JSR-330) using @Inject and Provider.

As of Spring 4.0 @Lazy can be applied on injection points, such as @Autowire or @Inject. From the docs:

In addition to its role for component initialization, this annotation may also be placed on injection points marked with Autowired or Inject: In that context, it leads to the creation of a lazy-resolution proxy for all affected dependencies, as an alternative to using ObjectFactory or Provider.

Let's start with a bit of a background. The Provider interface is part of JSR-330 and, among other usages, it allows for breaking circular dependencies and deals with lazy instantiation in general.

A quick explanatory example, a mere copy-paste from the docs:
class Car {  
   @Inject Car(Provider seatProvider) {  
     Seat driver = seatProvider.get();  
     Seat passenger = seatProvider.get();  
Okay, but how exactly would it be implemented outside of a JEE container? Well, here is a simple Spring application.

Start with adding a Maven dependency:
Next, define the model with indirection in mind (Provider, @Inject):
 public class Seat {..}  
import javax.inject.Inject;  
import javax.inject.Provider;  
public class Car {  
   private Seat driver;  
   private Seat passenger;  
   public Car(Provider<Seat> seatProvider) {  
     driver =  seatProvider.get();  
     passenger = seatProvider.get();  
Now, and here is where the magic happens, make use of the Spring application context capabilities:
public class Car {..}  
  import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;  
  import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;  
  import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;  
  import javax.inject.Provider;  
  public class SeatProvider implements Provider<Seat> {  
    @Scope(value = "prototype")  
    public Seat get() {  
      return new Seat();  
Finally, try it out:
// Unit tests  
   private Car car;  
   // Instantiation should happen  
   // The passenger and the driver shouldn't  
   // share the same (prototype-scoped) seat  
All of the tests pass and, with a little help of Spring (application context, prototypes), the dependency injection is mediated via the Provider.

As of Spring 4.0, the same goal can be achieved by simply using @Lazy alongside with @Autowire. Here is how our example would change when using Spring only:
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;  
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;  
 @Component(value = "lazySeat")  
 @Scope(value = "prototype")  
 public class Seat {..}  
 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;  
 import org.springframework.context.annotation.Lazy;  
 import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;  
 @Component(value = "lazyCar")  
 public class Car {  
   @Autowired @Lazy  
   private Seat driver;  
   @Autowired @Lazy  
   private Seat passenger;  
That's it. The same tests would pass again and more importantly the eager load of Seats would never happen, thanks to adding @Lazy to the @Autowire injection point.

Source Code

Previous: Part 3 - @Lazy Next: Part 5 - @Component vs @Bean